Daily Affirmations to help you start your day right

Sometimes, it can be hard to feel like your powerful independent self, especially in the mornings. You might find yourself struggling to think positively, or to even believe you can seize the day.

It’s not uncommon to feel hopeless and negative, especially in the morning when we may not look our best. That Is why it’s important to start your day off feeling strong and empowered, with the help of affirmations.

So, what are daily affirmations? Affirmations are phrases and statements that we repeat to ourselves to help shift our mindset and create positive outlooks on our daily routines. By repeating these phrases, our brain will learn to think them on its own, helping boost our moods daily.

Here is a list of (30) positive daily affirmations:

(We recommend taking the time every morning and/or night to repeat these to yourself in the mirror)

1.     I am beautiful and smart

2.     I am strong and powerful

3.     I am not defined by my success’

4.     I deserve happiness

5.     I have the tools necessary to succeed

6.     I am brave

7.     I am in control of my choices

8.     I am loved

9.     I can overcome any challenge

10.  I am capable

11.  I grow and improve everyday

12.  I have the ability to recover from difficulties

13.  I give myself permission to be myself

14.  My needs and wants are important

15.  I am doing my best, and that is enough

16.  I am good enough

17.  I am worthy of love

18.  I have value

19.  I deserve success

20.  My emotions have purpose and value

21.  I accept myself just the way I am.

22.  I empower myself and others

23.  I respect myself

24.  I choose to be happy

25.  My mistakes help me learn and grow

26.  I am not perfect and that is okay

27.  I am capable of achieving my goals 

28.  If I fall, I will get back up

29.  I am grateful for the things I have

30.  I forgive those who have hurt me

Luli Marini, Intern for Daily Therapy Dose


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